Turtles All The Way Down🐢


Song of the book: Human by Christina Perri

Thoughts are only thoughts. They are not you. You do belong to yourself, even when your thoughts don’t.

I’ve waited a lifetime for this book! Not a lifetime, but it sure felt like one. Once I heard the news of John Green dropping a new book in October, I’ve been counting ever since. I wasn’t disappointed because we’re speaking about John Green, the man behind masterpieces like The Fault in Our Stars and Looking for Alaska. 

The new book is called Turtles All The Way Down and it tells the story of Aza, a girl from Indianapolis living with her math teacher mother after the death of her dad, who’s always trying to be the perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect best friend and the perfect girlfriend. Despite having OCD and anxiety and going to therapy, she doesn’t seem like she’s making any progress. It had affected her relationship with her best friend and in her school. Things will start picking up when a billionaire that lives across the river from Aza went missing and her best friend, Daisy, decided to rush her to look for it because of the prize the police had put on his head. 

If your feelings hasn’t been shattered since The Fault in Our Stars, well prepare to feel your heart being wrenched from your chest and your guts twisting with pain.

So, let’s start with Aza. The girl is suffering from OCD, hence the non ending researches about infections and microbes that are probably gonna kill her, and also from spiraling and suffocating thoughts that seems always out of control. As someone who is dealing with anxiety, I’ve never had seen my thoughts and panic attacks from an outsider point of view. Someone who never had experienced non ending thoughts and ideas will never understand what is like to have an anxious working mind 24h/24 and 7days/7. That’s why John’s book is important, it explains it and discuss with all its layers and uglisness and details that makes it heavy on the reader’s mind. Some parts of the book were so heavy and suffocating to the point that I needed to stand up and take a fresh inhale. 

“Your now is not your forever.”

Another thing thag amaze me in John Green’s writing is his focus on the sidekicks. Daisy wasn’t just a best friend, but he made her seems so real. She had a life away from the main character, had her own thing (which is Star Wars fanfictions, i salute you for that, John!), her problems and struggles and was there to prove that everything and every fight has two sides and none of them is the winning part.

Of course there is a love interest which I don’t wanna discuss because I want you to find it yourself. But I’ll say one thing; John always set the roof higher for all guys out there. I mean, I’ve read a lot of books but boyfriends from John Green worka are always the best. It’s one of the reasons I can’t find myself in a relationship. I’m still waiting for my Gus or Q 😂😂

Last thing to add is YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOL BECAUSE IT’S BEAUTIFUL AND SWEET AND JOHN HAS PUT HIS SOUL IN IT AND I LOVE IT. Can you tell how obsessed I am about John Green? If I could rate this book a million stara I would. This my blog, hell I will do it!

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